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Support girls in baseball with your donation.
We heavily rely on donations from individuals like you! Other sources of funding include donations from other organizations, either monetary or in-kind, and sponsorships.
All donations go directly toward providing opportunities for girls to play baseball. We do not have any employees and operate on a very small budget plus in-kind donations. We are entirely volunteer run. In the past, we have used funds to rent space for events (such as gyms, fields, and cages), purchase equipment for events (such as glove, helmets, and nets), print t-shirts, and cover event attendance costs via scholarship. We envision primarily using our funds to continue those types of expenditures along with providing funding to help players and coaches participate in national girls baseball events.
We are a nonprofit corporation registered with the State of Minnesota. We are not an IRS designated 501(c)3, so your donation is not tax deductible.